Hola todas las personas!
Last week's email was a bit different...ha. I was getting nervous about my whole luggage situation, but I think I am all cleared up on that now. Well at least I hope so. Maybe this is the reason why the departure date is delayed. The more I think about the how we don't have our VISAs yet, the more I think about the work that Heavenly Father still wants me to in the MTC. He probably/definitely knows everything that is best for me, I know that for a fact. The travel people say that the VISAs should be coming sometime very soon and they will give us a new departure date soon thereafter we have received that stuff. I thought it would be pretty cool to get re-assigned for a bit to somewhere stateside for a month or so...but hey, it's wherever the Lord wants me I will go(1 Nefi 3:7).
Let's see, what else happened this week...I got to host the new missionaries again! Miercoles fue un dia muy ocupado para mi. Porque en la mañana I was able to host the a few new missionaries, which was fun, but the missionaries that I hosted didn't really like to talk too much(or they were just scared outta their mind because it was their first day in the MTC), so it kinda felt like I was giving a tour to myself and conversating with mi mismo. Oh well. The other thing was that night, Elder Squires and I were chosen to be missionaries that do a role-playing thing in front of all the new missionaries(which just about scared me out of my mind: 1. because it was in front of a huge group of people and 2. because I had to do it in English...). I'm pretty sure we did a really good job, I may have spoken a little Spanglish, but hey whatever floats that boat.
I'm not quite sure what is going to happen when the rest of our district leaves to their state-side missions because that is when the teacher has nothing more to teach. I guess we may just be traveling to other districts and helping out the zone with our class-time hasta salimos a Argentina. That reminds me...I cannot wait until I can use my Ipod and play some sort of music. That is one of the things that is killin me most right now. Oh well, necesito perseverar hasta al fin... del CCM(MTC). Oh and I can't wait to go to Argentina and wear my sweaters. I just don't want to pull them out of my perfecly packed suitcase for now. Even though it is going to be the middle of verano en Argentina todavia I will wear them.
One of the many funny things that happened this week(because I can't remember all of them) was when we were talking to one of the senior missionary couples about Argentina. He was talking about an Elder that he knew(I actually think it was his son or something) went to Argentina and brought back an Argentine mujer(woman) and got married in the U.S. and had ten kids! His direct quote was "Be careful Elders, those Argentine women are very fertile." Ha ha! These senior Elders here are hilarious and fun to have conversations with because they just talk about the most random stuff.
Semanalmente Mensaje Espiritual:
I was reading a bit more in the October Ensign(because it is the only tangible one that I can get ahold of right now and also because it is just stellar in just about every way...because the Libro de Mormon is also stellar) and I came upon the article/talk thing by Elder Walter F. Gonzalez. It talks about Moroni's Promise and breaks it down into five simple steps:
1) Think about it
2) Pray diligently
3) Ask the right questions
4) What do you intend
5) Don't miss it
For me, this gives me a whole new insight on Moroni's Promise found in the last ch. of Moroni 10:4-5 and is an awesome help for me on how I can better and more often receive personal revelation.
Agredezco mucho a todas las personas que envian su amor en mi direccion y por todas las oraciones para mi. Doy gracias. Y espero que todas las cosas son buenos para ustedes! Les amo mucho! (Thanks much to all the people who send their love in my direction and all the prayers for me. Igive thanks and I hope all theings are good for you-I love you very much!)
Con Amor,
Elder Larisch
La iglesia es verdadera!
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