Saturday, October 22, 2011

Una nueva llamamiento(a new call)

Que tal?!

This week has been an interesting one.  I know it but it is going to be hard to remember and explain.  The past three weeks or so just seem like a blur to me.  It is crazy how fast time flies here.  I have already been here seis semanas and tengo menos de dos hasta salgo el CCM.  Pues, there are about two main things I remember from this week...

Well, first thing is first... Last Sunday my companero y yo were called as Lideres de Zona(Zone Leaders).  Just when I start to feel comfortable and start to smooth right in to the MTC, they call me as a Zone Leader... It has actually been a pretty big blessing this week so far because I get the opportunity to help out each member of the Zone individually and we solve problems and make this Zone the best it can be.  There wasn't any new Districts coming into our Zone this week but next week when we get a new District, we get to go through orientation with them and teach them and give them tours.  I'm lookin forward to next Miercoles y Jueves for sure!  It has been a lot more of a toll on me being a Zone Leader though.  Taking care of things in other districts often takes time out of personal or language study time and sometimes even out of class time.  I have found myself on my knees more than ever this week for help with the Zone and for help with me.  I know that God listens to my prayers.  I have already seen miracles happen here and I believe that this is just a preview of what the next two years is going to be for me. 

The second thing is that we had the amazing opportunity to hear from another apostle for Tuesday Night Devotional!  That makes it three in the seis weeks that I have been here.  One of my favorite apostle speakers, Richard G. Scott, came and addressed us on many important things that apply to us as missionaries--as should anyone that comes and speaks to us in the MTC...ha ha--.  He spoke about some of the following:

~Don't go anywhere without having some sort of pen or pencil to write and paper to jot down spiritual things anywhere whether you are walking down the street in midday or waking up in the middle of the night and have a cool spiritual impression.  He said that we can't control when the Holy Ghost works, but we can capture it.  We need to pray to the Lord to receive these feelings and help us stay worthy to do so also.  If we are casual about the spirit and don't acknowledge what it was, it will diminish. (D&C 8:2)

~Show the Lord how much you appreciate his guidance and direction in your life and he will continue to bless you more--vice versa--

~I thought this was really interesting.  A large amount of his talk was focused on what we are supposed to be doing after the mission and about finding an eternal spouse...that's weird to think about right now.  But it is very true, it is the next step in life and it should not be pushed forward.  One profound comment that he made was "Hanging Out = Idleness in Flocks."  Elder Scott said to seriously consider starting an eternal family soon after the mission, start it early, and the Lord will guide you if you follow thru prayerfully.

~I also noticed that Elder Scott always asks really good and sometimes profound questions that really get you thinking.  If you get the chance to listen to him look out for these questions and apply them to yourselft.  I need to study how to ask questions like this to help me with my teaching.

~Usually when Elder Scott comes and speaks to the MTC he takes time after and shakes every individual hand or every missionary.  This time he for some reason told us that he could not do that.  But I could still feel the genuine love that comes from him to us so it is okay. 

~The last thing that I thought was awesome about his devotional was his testimony.  The testimonies of special witnesses of Jesus Christ(apostles) are very powerful and bring the spirit like nothing else.  You can really tell that these men have testimonies where they really know and not just simply testify of these sacred truths. 

Now, as I said the last few weeks have been a blur to me so it is hard to remember anything else, especially because I have been so busy with new responsiblities.  But at least I have the important stuff down.  I also want to take this space in this weekly report to apologize to all those who I lied to in the last report.  There really is no ping pong or mtc dances here... ha ha.  Just wanted to see the reactions and let you in on some jokes we have here.

The Spanish Frase of the Week made up by the District is: Estoy in lo mismo barco-------->I'm in the same boat

I hope that comes of good use to you in your daily activities and conversations.  Thank you for your time to read this.  Thank you for all the prayers!  Love you all!

Con Amor,

Elder Larisch

La iglesia es verdadera!